Legal Agreements & Forms for Businesses

Simplify your business legal documentation with our ready-to-use, professionally drafted agreements, or opt for a customised agreement from our lawyers.

General Agreements

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Agreement

Personalise and instantly download a Limited Liability Agreement along with eSignatures.

Franchise Agreement

Create an error-free franchise agreement and instantly download the PDF. Complete the document with eSign and arrange for home delivery!

Dissolution of Partnership Deed

Easily dissolve your Partnership Deed without complications within just a couple of minutes, with the option for eSignatures to finalize the document.

Legal Agreement for Joint Venture

Effortlessly create and finalize your Joint Venture Agreement in minutes, along with the convenience of eSignatures for a smooth document completion process

Legal Agreement for Business Transfer

Craft your Business Transfer Agreement seamlessly. Utilise eSignatures for a hassle-free document completion.

Purchase & Supply Agreement

Instantly create and download a Purchase & Supply Agreement completed with option for eSign and home delivery

Loan Agreement

Craft a comprehensive loan agreement with eStamp and eSign for easy documentation!

Startup Investment Agreement

Instantly create and download Startup Investment Agreement in just a few short minutes

Shareholder Agreement

Created and instantly download PDF of Shareholder’s Agreement along with eSign and home delivery

Get Partnership Deed with eStamp in 15 mins

Get 100% legally compliant partnership deed with stamp paper at the comfort of your home in 15 minutes. With our Aadhaar OTP based eSignatures, partners can sign the deed online.

Get Vehicle Sale Agreement with Stamp Paper in 15 mins

Get your vehicle sale agreement with eStamp paper in 15 mins. Just print it out and sign it. 100% Legally compliant to protect the interest of buyer and seller in vehicle sale.

Get Non-Disclosure Agreement with Stamp Paper

Instantly customise & download India compliant Non-Disclosure agreement in under 10 minutes. Designed by expert lawyers. Optionally eSign agreement with Aadhaar based signatures.